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spelunker (9/9/20)

I woke… in a cave…or that’s how it felt, so dark was the light that fell upon morning, no more the spelunker from spelunking days, still, it felt like a cave as though overnight winter decided to claim autumn for itself and not wait for the clocks to go back as any self-respecting winter would which was yet weeks away, so I lay accompanying dark as it accompanied me, in a word, keep each other company, silent companions I said not a word and of course neither did it, likely not wanting to attract undue attention, although, being so absent of luminescence it didn’t need too, all was clear to see, or not, being so dark with clarity merely relative… of course, few caves have curtains, as I recall from spelunking days mostly in quest of bats and bats I did find, some stereotypically hanging from ceilings all wrapped in their wings and no doubt somewhat baffled by these spelunking intruders into its home in the dark, how rude, they probably thought, and without invitation, crashing our caves without even a knock, knock… no bats hang from my ceiling though, more’s the pity, bats are good company, better than people, after all they can echolocate, I mean, how cool is that………..

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